Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Filled With Glee

Hans has challenged me to blog every day this month. But as I sit here in my cozy bed, all I can think of is how I wish the rain outside would turn to snow, and how much I enjoyed tonight's episode of Glee. For those of you who didn't see it, I would highly encourage it, and for those who are followers, didn't that mattress dancing look so fun? I keep wondering what will happen in the last episode next week. I know this post totally makes me a geek, but I truly like the show. And I really want a Glee soundtrack CD to play in the minivan for me and the kids.  My dad once told my sister and I that he didn't want us to get too immersed in the arts. He didn't want us to be like all those weird people... and I remember Emily and I looking at each other and saying, "We are those weird people." So for those of you who like the show Glee too, I hope you enjoyed tonight's episode as much as I did.


Ginger said...

I just loved the episode last night also. I love being a Glee geek. I have all of the episodes from this season saved on my tivo and I will go back every once in a while and watch the musical numbers. Sam thinks I am the biggest nerd for doing that but I don't care. I will be sad to see it take a holiday break!

mjm said...

I don't watch Glee, but I sure like the idea of you blogging every day! :)

The Payne family said...

I LOVE Glee! And so you know, they actually do have a soundtrack out. I have disc 1 and disc 2 is coming out on the 8th. Ha ha! So there you go. Go out and get yourself some glee goodness!