Saturday, January 24, 2009

Okay... You Win!

For some time now, Lincoln and Hans have been ebbing away at my resistance to getting a pet. More specifically, a dog. I really don't want one. Hans may think I don't like dogs or animals, but really my argument is quite the contrary. Despite my common complaints of too much hair and poop on the rug, I do actually have a bigger issue. The first dog I really ever remember as a child was a big red bone coon hound named Red. I loved that dog, a lot. He would always play out side with me and keep me company. He didn't have extremely annoying habits like licking your hands or knees... and he wasn't hyper. But in that is the problem. I remember the night he died really well. He had been pretty sick, and my dad made him a bed at the end of the hallway. I remember checking on him a lot. I didn't want him to be sick and alone. Being a teenager however I was swayed into going to the movies, and told myself he would be better in the morning, but when I got home, he was gone. I have always felt bad that Red died alone at the end of the hallway.
Okay that little story out of the way, I will now tell you that Hans' niece Jennifer was given a new puppy for Christmas. After seeing my kids with that dog I realized I was probably denying my kids of some seriously good memories. So I am conceding, and when we move to Ohio, our family may grow a bit. Maybe we'll find a Red Bone puppy. Who knows...?


Trena said...

Big Red! Oh yes, I remember that dog. And what a good dog he was. I want to get a dog sometime in the future but my husband is anti animals, so we'll see. I need a yard first though!! :)

mjm said...

Oh goodness. I don't even like dogs one little bit, but seeing Holly with that dog makes me melt! So precious. I love that little one. Please give her a kiss for me!!!!!

Mindy said...

Good Ol' Red! His hips sure did hurt him a lot. How many car accidents did he survive? He was a good dog.

Jennifer said...

Sounds like Hans and the kids owe Carl big time for bringing Emmy around(you probably didn't know that is what we decided to name her)!!! :) Go, Merliee!

Susanna Landon said...

I know you think that a dog is a good idea. I am a true animal lover. I balled all the way through Free Willy and I will not even go see Marley and Me because I know I will be a mess. The truth though, is that a good idea is not always a good idea. Save yourself a lot of hassle and grief and just take your kids to the petting zoo.

Oh and I loved Red too. Probably because I was a kid and did not have to take care of him.

LilLou said...

Adorable picture! Good luck with the puppy search :) As soon as we're out of apartment living we are getting a dog.

Katie said...

I think everyone loved Red. I was always afraid of him (of course, I'm a sissy) because of his size.. but he truly was a special dog.

AMIT said...

Good thoughts written.

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