Sunday, January 11, 2009

GO BOBCATS!!!!!!!!!!!!

A couple months ago, Hans flew out to Ohio University in Athens, Ohio to interview for a tenure track position in the journalism Department. He was competing against 3 other applicants, one of which is also a Missouri student. The decision could go anyway, however, when Hans came home I knew he had a great shot at the job. I could tell that his research presentation and teaching presentation had gone well just by his demeanor. So we sat back and waited. While we waited, Hans visited Oklahoma for an interview, had a phone interview with the University of Michigan, and talked a bit with a University in Arkansas.
Hans did get an offer from the University of Ohio, and after a small amount of negotiation, and some serious area research, Hans will be joining the faculty in Ohio this September. YAY!!!!!!
Now that is done, I will freely admit that I was so worried about moving even farther away from both of our home states, and families. Not to mention I know nothing about Ohio. Really. First thing was to get out the map and have a look. then I went to the Athens Chamber of Commerce website and did some searching. Not much close, and definitely no Costco... but alas they do have a small restaurant downtown that serves crepes. After praying and pondering I have really come to feel great about our decision. It will be a great experience for our family, and provide yet one more interesting destination for our friends and family to visit. So please PLEASE come visit us (and have crepes)! And most of all, thank you all. Your love and support have helped us feel not quite so far away from home. GO BOBCATS!!!!!!!!!!!!


The Payne family said...

First of all, Congrats! That is very exciting. Second of all, you were supposed to move to Morgantown West Virigina remember? Don't you care about me at all? jk! Ohio huh? Those crepes sound amazing.

Susanna Landon said...

We are so excited for you and Hans! Congrats. Hans has worked so hard and you all have sacrificed so much for this. I know it will be great. I can't wait to visit! GO BOBCATS!

Mindy said...

Yay HANS!! You fancy professor you! How fantastic! I LOVE crepes!

Emily said...

So Hans the cougar became a tiger and is now upgrading to a bobcat! I'm so excited for you guys. The thought of starting over somewhere new with your dream job sounds like such an amazing adventure!

Emily K. said...

Merilee, Merilee, how in the world did you happen upon my blog? Are you a blog stalker? I have wondered about you over the years. You're a mommy to 3 kids, wife to a professor, the whole bit. Cute kids! I'm so glad to get back in touch with you. Where are all the pictures of you? Good luck on the move. We have only lived in Idaho and Washington since we've been married, and I'm very grateful. I will keep checking your blog now, so you better get bloggin' more girl!!

Amy R. said...

Hey Congratulations!! I am excited for your family. You are going to love Ohio. I look forward to reading about all your adventures. Glad you are doing well. Amy Richardson

Trena said...

Crazy Merilee! That's clear across the country! Wow! Congrats to your hubby! I think you'll love it.

mjm said...

Yay! I'm so excited for you. All the hard work has paid of with...more hard work :). You guys will do great in Ohio! Ps. Love the new layout of the blog. It's so cute! Now, if we could just get some more regular entries ;). Miss you and the little rugrats.

Carrie said...

Congrats!! When will you guys leave good ol' MO?? What a great new adventure!

Ginger said...

You will still be 13-14 hours away from us. We could always meet half way in DC at Mal's house. That would be so much fun.

AMIT said...

Good written.

BPO work from home