Saturday, December 13, 2008

Alex can clap!

Hans encouraged me to post a blog entry about Alex, and we have recently been working on teaching Alex to clap. We caught this cute video of Alex doing his best, and thought we would share it. These days Alex is getting into everything. Holly didn't crawl until 10 months, so this crawling thing at 6 1/2 mo. with Alex feels too soon. His favorite activity is to sneak into Holly's room and play with her doll house. Well he mostly likes to chew on the people! He is super cute and much happier now that he has cut two little bottom teeth.

When we decorated our Christmas tree, Alex was enthralled with the string of lights.
One night we let Lincoln watch a movie in bed. He and Alex decided to watch together. Alex has always gravitated to wherever Lincoln is. Lincoln was the first to get Alex to laugh, and occasionally at night we hear Lincoln and Alex in their room belly laughing at something Lincoln is doing!

This is one of Hans' favorite pictures. This was a bowl full of pumpkin guts, that Alex couldn't keep away from. He actually got that fist of goo in his mouth right after Hans took this picture.


Jennifer said...

I can't believe Alex is crawling already!! Marley especially loved watching the video of Alex clapping. I can tell she is proud. :) We can't wait to see you all next week!!!

Susanna Landon said...

Alex is so darn cute. He looks like Tate a little in one of the pictures. I think that is kind of funny.

Anonymous said...

Lincoln and Alex are adorable together!!!

Emily said...

That video's so cute! I can't get Henry to clap, no matter what I do. I'm going to show him this video to fire up his competitive streak!

Trena said...

That was the cutest video ever! I love how excited he got while clapping that he almost fell over!! Too cute!

Kara said...

It's all really cute, but the highlight is Alex taking a bow. Those kids are really cute...I wish I knew them, but you live too far away! I know you're just dying to get back to the High Desert so hurry it up!!!

Kristi said...

Hey, I don't have your email address and I set my blog to private. If you want you can email me at and I'll add you. I don't have Mindy's either, but Susanna and Emily gave me theirs! Hope you guys are good!

mjm said...

Sure he can clap, but can he say the Pledge of Allegiance?

We want an update with new pics from your fabulous time with us over Christmas :).

AMIT said...

Its good that u posted blog entry here.

BPO work from home